Thursday, September 10, 2009



in the pic im eating macaroons from melbourne in fugubi's house.

i took ktm to kl thatday... and i tell u.... geram betul# i kena tipu rm20....... WTFF!!
what i heard was "help us to sign one to support our handmade products in malaysia," blablabla.... and he so irritated then i just gave them a sign. and then u knw what? " miss, so u want support us how much?" that time i was like, shit! i kena tipu d.... n i mm hou yi si just walk off so like dat i kena tipu rm20... wtfffffff

my frens: just ignore them when they talk to u!!
pissed off~~

in her room doin nothing but taking photos....

and darrel with his wong bear
cute bao darrel~

later 0830pm fugubi have shooting for magazine. around 0400+pm we went to 1utama to jalan jalan and dinner.... heheeee

i love DAISO very much!!

all item rm5.....

since in Singapore i love daiso and now Malaysia got daiso, wuhooo~~~
i love it

thatday i bought a measuring tape and fugubi got the pink one.

and fugubi bought a "chicky bon bon"
so cute the little chicky

fugubi's face will appear in magazine " citra bella"
right fugubi??
shooting for CELINE

after the shooting then we went to skybar. plh was celebrated her birthday in sky bar.

happy birthday to plh!!

foo chi zan who likes to act cute

all girls
from left yunchuan, plh, jess, me, li and kitying

and i got picture with chicky bon bon
jess: must take high fashion one!
ignore my ulgy face


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